Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi

Since I am a student of Italian philology, I would also like to tell you something about Italian Christmas traditions, which are very different all over the Peninsula, especially during the Christmas season.

On Christmas Eve it is recommended to prepare a light, lean dinner, usually based on fish, but on Christmas Eve there are no limits! Italians eat pasta and a variety of meat dishes, but there is no shortage of dried fruit and panettone (the legend of this cake I presented to you last year).
In all cases, however, the gifts should be opened at midnight or in the morning on the day of the holiday, after the arrival of Santa Claus.

But what does the title of this article mean? Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi -  "spend Christmas with your family and Easter with whomever you want". For Italians, the presence of the family and spending time with them is fundamental, and despite many wonderful meals and gifts, it is the family that counts most!

Merry Christmas!

image: google


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